To our valued clients,
We are writing to alert you of a recent domain phishing scam that targets our company's clients. Domain phishing is a fraudulent practice where cybercriminals create emails or websites to copy a legitimate organization but are designed to trick their targets into revealing sensitive information or making payments to the wrong account.
In this case, the scammers are using a domain name similar to Cowan's but with spelling differences. For example, they might use or or even instead of the correct They might also use a different extension, such as .com or .net, instead of .ca. Emails are then sent to our clients, pretending to be Cowan, requesting that banking information be updated or that a payment be made to a new account.
Please be aware that Cowan will never ask you to change your banking information via email. Do not respond to these emails or click on any links or attachments they contain. If you receive such an email, please delete it immediately and report it to Cowan at
To protect yourself and your business from domain phishing scams, we suggest the following best practices:
We value your trust and business and are committed to keeping your information and transactions safe and secure. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us anytime at 1-866-912-6926 or email
Cowan Insurance Group